Why Faust Fundraising?
If you are like most nonprofit organizations, you have been regularly applying for grants and probably winning some. Congratulations! But chances are, you haven’t been winning as many grants as you should, and haven’t been getting the most out of the grant relationships you have.
That’s because most nonprofit organizations are approaching their grants process with a task management mindset:
Reading grant guidelines and just applying
Trying to send applications to as many funders as possible
Witing grants the same way your agency or other staff members did in the past
Thinking that your proposal is the only thing influencing its approval
To be consistently successful at winning grants, you have to manage them in the context of a total grants management program.
Make grant writing part of a larger grant development campaign and weave it into your organization’s overall fundraising strategy
Make funder matching a priority and focus on the bullseye
Utilize grant writers with specialized training and experience
Leverage expert research techniques to find the best opportunities for your organization
Develop relationship capital with foundations and other funders
Use best practices and proven systems to increase your success